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Email  Ova adresa je zaštićena od robota. Potreban vam je Java-skripta da bi ste je videli. ; Ova adresa je zaštićena od robota. Potreban vam je Java-skripta da bi ste je videli.

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Trimite documentatia generata prin email PDF Štampaj E-pošta

Pentru a trimite documentatia generata de program prin email, trebuie sa o salvati in format PDF, si sa atasati documentul salvat la email-ul dorit.
Actualizare program PDF Štampaj E-pošta

Incepand cu versiunea 3.0 a programului actualizarea se face folosind optiunea Actualizeaza din meniul Help. Setarile si proiectele dumneavoastra vor fi valabile si dupa actualizarea aplicatiei.

Daca detineti o versiune mai veche (< 3.0) trebuie sa descarcati de pe site ultima versiune si sa o instalati. Din pacate compatibilitatea proiectelor intre versiuni este valabila doar incepand cu ProiectT 3.0.

Dizajn PVC i Aluminijum bravarije PDF Štampaj E-pošta

ProiectT je lansiran na Rumunsko tr
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This product was last tested in the Softpedia Labs on 28th of April 2009 by Alexandra Anton Softpedia guarantees that ProiectT 2.5.1 is 100% Clean, which means it does not contain any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors. This software product was tested thoroughly and was found absolutely clean; therefore, it can be installed with no concern by any computer user. However, it should be noted that this product will be retested periodically and the award may be withdrawn, so you should check back occasionally and pay attention to the date of testing shown above.

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